Our Profile

Legal Excellence & Decades of experience

Since 1992, we, the attorneys of the law firm Westpfahl Spilker Wastl Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB (WSW), have been representing and advising our clients primarily in matters that are complex from both a factual and legal point of view, that are as conflict-laden as they are high-profile, and that are of fundamental importance to them. The range of our legal services also includes preventive management of legal risks and comprehensive legal support. In doing so, we are active in all important areas of commercial and white-collar criminal law. In addition to legal excellence, decades of experience and the ability to look beyond the legal horizon, our clients appreciate our courageous and steadfast advocacy of their interests and concerns and, therefore, place particular trust in us. The stable foundation required for this has been formed by the long-standing, in some cases decade-long, trusting and successful cooperation of the attorneys, in particular the partners at Westpfahl Spilker Wastl, and efficient, persuasive lawyers who devote themselves to their task with great dedication and passion.

In accordance with our self-image as lawyers and in awareness of the special social responsibility, not least of the legal professions, we, the lawyers of WSW, also work pro bono. We are not only involved in non-profit organizations, but also offer our legal know-how in selected cases to persons and institutions for which adequate legal support would otherwise be difficult to obtain at the usual conditions.

Our Team


Dr. Marion Westpfahl

Lawyer | CV (until 16.08.2023)

Dr. Ulrich Wastl

Lawyer | CV

Thomas Lau

​Lawyer | CV

Dr. Philippe Litzka

Lawyer | CV

Dr. Martin Pusch, LL.M.

Lawyer | CV

Nata Gladstein

Lawyer | CV

Simone Greiner

Lawyer | CV

Philipp Schenke

Lawyer | CV

Practice-oriented and problem-solving

Compliance and internal investigations

Entrepreneurial activity is increasingly determined by „compliance“ and the numerous pitfalls associated with it. In this context, WSW is regularly entrusted with the task

  • to clarify possible criminal offences and breaches of regulations within the scope of internal investigations,
  • to identify weaknesses in the respective company’s internal control and preventive systems,
  • to review and optimize already established compliance management systems, critically and individually
  • to develop and implement new comprehensive compliance management systems, and
  • to train employees in a practical and problem-oriented manner.

A number of our clients are companies and institutions in the public eye, which not only appreciate our professionalism, but also the special discretion of WSW.

See publications in this area of activity

National and international

Business and Tax Criminal Law

Since the foundation of our law firm WSW, we have held a special reputation among clients and law enforcement authorities, which has been one of our core competencies; it includes in particular:

  • the comprehensive national and/or international representation and counseling of companies with regard to proper conduct vis-à-vis the law enforcement authorities,
  • the (classic) criminal defense of (often exposed) individuals,
  • advice and representation in connection with voluntary disclosures under tax law, especially in cross-border cases, with recourse to a network of proven domestic and foreign tax law experts.

We are particularly distinguished by our further professional specializations and sound practical experience in other typically affected areas of law – such as banking and capital market law as well as corporate and accounting law. These not only guarantee comprehensive and effective interdisciplinary legal advice and criminal defense from a single source. They also include a consideration of regularly occurring civil, corporate and labor law implications, in particular with regard to the defense or assertion of often simultaneously virulent claims for damages.

See publications in this area of activity

Pioneering and much respected

Directors' and Officers' Liability

Our work as lawyers in the area of directors‘ and officers‘ liability, in which we have already conducted several sensational large-scale proceedings, includes in particular

  • the early development of a lasting and efficient defense strategy in the run-up to a possible liability claim, mostly on behalf of medium-sized and larger auditing and tax consulting companies,
  • Advising and representing members of corporate bodies, auditors, tax consultants and attorneys-at-law regarding the defense against claims for damages directed against them, as well as in relation to the pecuniary loss liability insurer,
  • advising and representing institutional investors and companies regarding the assertion and enforcement of claims for damages not only against the damaging company, but also against its executive bodies, advisors and auditors in Germany and abroad,

In addition to our expertise in criminal law, our profound knowledge and experience in the areas of banking and capital market law as well as corporate and accounting law, in other words, the interdisciplinary character of WSW, prove to be extremely helpful and round off our service profile in these cases.

See publications in this area of activity

Experienced and diligent

Litigation (national/international)

Since the foundation of WSW, the (legal) assertion and enforcement, as well as the defense of claims, have been one of our core competencies and outstanding areas of practice, in which we enjoy a high reputation not only among our clients, but also with the courts. We have extensive forensic experience and networks at both the national and international level. We are primarily active in cases that are characterized by

  • above-average complexity in factual and/or legal terms,
  • legal situation that has not been conclusively clarified or is subject to critical scrutiny,
  • international references,
  • often interdisciplinary problems.

Characteristic for our forensic work is above all a careful processing and a clear presentation of the factual and legal background of the facts. In addition, we attach great importance to a litigation strategy that does not lose sight of the relationship between the necessary effort and the desired benefit.

Transparent and professional

Non-Profit Organizations

For non-profit organizations, a high degree of transparency and professionalism in legal and economic matters is becoming increasingly important for these institutions, which are particularly dependent on credibility.

Our activities in this area include in particular:

  • the consultation in all foundation- and association-legal matters,
  • The preparation of investment guidelines for a recognized professional standards, and in particular sustainable asset management,
  • conducting internal investigations to uncover possible breaches of rules and misconduct on the part of those responsible for the organization,
  • providing legal support for structural reforms, and
  • the preparation of comprehensive internal regulations.

See publications in this area of activity

Public and private

Legal advice in connection with construction projects, including public procurement law

For decades, our attorneys have been assisting public and private developers and construction companies in connection with the realization of primarily large construction projects, from the initial project idea to completion, in both private and public construction law. In this context, WSW’s range of activities includes in particular:

  • the support of the building owner in the preparation of the building law,
  • the preparation of all contracts necessary for the construction project with project managers, object and specialist planners, as well as construction-executing companies, and the support of the client in the context of construction financing
  • the comprehensive support of clients in asserting and enforcing the construction contract claims to which they are entitled in the areas of contract and supplement management as well as the defense against unjustified claims,
  • the support of clients bound by state procurement regulations in the preparation of tender documents, tenders and awards and, if necessary, in the context of review proceedings before the Public Procurement Tribunal, as well as
  • supporting construction companies during review proceedings concerning an award decision.

In this context, we are distinguished by our ability to penetrate in depth the problems of construction technology and construction organization that are often at the center of construction law disputes.

See publications in this area of activity

Complex and individual

Corporate, Banking and Capital Markets Law

In the areas of corporate, banking and capital market law we are mainly involved with

  • the drafting of individual and complex articles of association,
  • the optimization of existing corporate law structures,
  • the representation in conflict-ridden and complex corporate law disputes,
  • defense against liability claims directed against credit and financial services institutions and their governing bodies,
  • the preparation of expert opinions, e.g., on banking and capital market law issues, which serve as a basis for decision-making by corporate officers,
  • developing and auditing governance systems, and
  • advising and representing institutional investors in all areas of their business activities, in particular in connection with investment decisions and the sale of investments.

In this context, our lawyers are distinguished by their special ability to grasp complex, cross-legal issues and legal questions, including in particular the often-neglected area of (capital market) criminal law, which is associated with sensitive risks in this context.

See publications in the area of banking and capital market law

See publications in the area of corporate and stock corporation law


Latest announcements

  • Announcements
  • Expert report
  • Press releases

Untersuchungsbericht „Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker im Bereich der Diözese Bozen-Brixen von 1964 bis 2023“ vom 20.01.2025 in deutscher Sprache. PDF Download

Rapporto di indagine „Abuso sessuale di minori e persone vulnerabili ad opera di chierici nel contesto della Diocesi di Bolzano-Bressanone dal 1964 al 2023“ del 20.01.2025 in lingua italiana. Scarica PDF

Hier finden Sie die Fotos zur heutigen Pressekonferenz zur Vorstellung des Untersuchungsberichts / Qui potete trovare le foto della conferenza stampa di oggi per la presentazione del rapporto di indagine.

Zugang zur Aufzeichnung der Pressekonferenz zur Veröffentlichung des Untersuchungsberichtes „Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker im Bereich der Diözese Bozen-Brixen von 1964 bis 2023“ am 20.01.2025, 10.30 Uhr erhalten Sie hier (in deutscher Sprache) und hier (in lingua italiana).

Accesso alla registrazione della conferenza stampa di presentazione del Rapporto di indagine „Abuso sessuale di minori e persone vulnerabili ad opera di chierici nel contesto della Diocesi di Bolzano-Bressanone dal 1964 al 2023“, indetta per lunedì 20.01.2025 alle ore 10:30, è disponibile qui (in deutscher Sprache) e qui (in lingua italiana).

Wastl, Zeit zum Handeln! – Plädoyer für eine effektive Aufklärung und Aufarbeitung sexuellen Missbrauchs von Minderjährigen und Schutzbefohlenen manuscript is now available here


Gutachten „Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker sowie hauptamtlich Bediensteter im Bereich der Erzdiözese München und Freising von 1945 – 2019“ vom 20.01.2022. PDF Download

Zugang zur Aufzeichnung der Video- und Pressekonferenz vom 20.01.2022, 11 Uhr, erhalten Sie hier.

Vorstellung des im Auftrag der Erzdiözese München und Freising erstellten Gutachtens „Sexuelle und sonstige körperliche Übergriffe durch Priester, Diakone und sonstige pastorale Mitarbeiter im Verantwortungsbereich der Erzdiözese München und Freising in der Zeit von 1945 bis 2009. Bestandsaufnahme – Bewertung – Konsequenz“ Link zur Homepage der Erzdiözese München und Freising


Gutachten „Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker im Bereich des Bistums Aachen im Zeitraum 1965 bis 2019“ vom 12.11.2020. PDF Download

Zugang zur Aufzeichnung der Video- und Pressekonferenz vom 12.11.2020, 10 Uhr erhalten Sie hier.


Beachten Sie auch unsere Pressemitteilungen.

10.01.2025 Presseeinladung zur Veröffentlichung des Untersuchungsberichtes „Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker im Bereich der Diözese Bozen-Brixen von 1964 bis 2023“. PDF Download in deutscher SprachePDF Download in lingua italiana

13.01.2022 Zweite Pressemitteilung zur Erstattung und Veröffentlichung unseres Gutachtens zu sexuellem Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker sowie hauptamtlich Bediensteter im Bereich der Erzdiözese München und Freising von 1945 – 2019. PDF Download

03.11.2021 Erste Pressemitteilung zur Erstattung und Veröffentlichung unseres Gutachtens zu sexuellem Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker sowie hauptamtlich Bediensteter im Bereich der Erzdiözese München und Freising von 1945 – 2019. PDF Download

24.03.2021 Vierte Pressemitteilung zum Verhalten der Verantwortlichen des Erzbistums Köln im Zusammenhang mit unserem Gutachten zu sexuellem Missbrauch im Erzbistum. PDF Download

22.01.2021 Dritte Pressemitteilung betreffend das Verhalten der Verantwortlichen des Erzbistums Köln im Zusammenhang mit unserem Gutachten zu sexuellem Missbrauch im Erzbistum. PDF Download

02.11.2020 Zweite Pressemitteilung zur Pressemitteilung des Erzbistums Köln vom 30.10.2020 zu unserer unabhängigen Untersuchung zu sexuellem Missbrauch. PDF Download

30.10.2020 / ergänzte Fassung vom 09.11.2020 Erste Pressemitteilung zur Pressemitteilung des Erzbistums Köln vom 30.10.2020 zu unserer unabhängigen Untersuchung zu sexuellem Missbrauch. PDF Download

27.10.2020 Pressemitteilung zur Erstattung und Veröffentlichung unseres Gutachtens „Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger und erwachsener Schutzbefohlener durch Kleriker im Bereich des Bistums Aachen im Zeitraum 1965 bis 2019“. PDF Download


Publications & more

Aufsatz / essay

Sonstiges / other


How to reach us

Phone +49 (89) 29 03 75 0
Fax +49 (89) 29 03 75 21

E-Mail: info@westpfahl-spilker.de

Data Protection

Westpfahl Spilker Wastl
Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Widenmayerstr. 6
80538 Munich, Germany

Link Google Maps